Each 200 gm contains
Vitamin E | 20 gm |
Selenium | 200 ppm |
Biotin | 40000 mcg |
Vitamin C | 5 gm |
- Tocovit BS improves the immune response & provides disease resistance.
- Tocovit BS fights oxidative stress and keeps the birds active all the times.
- Tocovit BS helps in control of ascites and unexplained sudden mortality in birds.
- Tocovit BS fights exudative diathesis in birds.
- Tocovit BS improves FCR, fertility and hatchability.
Use with Feed:
Chicks, Growers & Layers : 200 gm / ton of feed.
Broiler Breeders: 500 gm to 1 Kg / ton of feed for 5 days.
Use with water:
Chicks, Growers & Layers: 5 gm / 200 birds.
Broilers : 5 gm / 50 birds
Breeders: 10 gm / 50 birds.
As suggested by the Veterinarian.