RR Veterinary - BROMELEV


Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) / Complex CRD is a cause of great sorrow to the poultry farmers and along with this Infectious Coryza, infections  arising from E.Coli, Salmonellosis, Bronchitis and other mixed and secondary infections cause unrecoverable damage to the farmers. Bromelev is a potent antibiotic combining Levofloxacin and Bromhexine that effectively cure the above indications. Administered through drinking water.

Each ml of Bromolev contains:

  • Levofloxacin Hemihydrate IP 200 mg
  • Bromhexine Hydrochloride  IP 15 mg
  • Excepients q.s.
  • Chronic respiratory disease (CRD) / Complex CRD
  • E. Coli infections
  • Bronchitis
  • Salmonellosis
  • Infectious Coryza
  • Other Mixed & Secondary infections.

Recommended Usage:
0.5 ml to 1.0 ml per litre of drinking water for 3-5 days
As recommended by the Veterinarian.

Withdrawal Period:
For Chicken: 28 days
For Eggs: 7 days