India secured first position in terms of cattle population and second position in sheep and goat population in the world. India is the largest milk producer in the world With annual milk production of 132.4 million and contributes to about 16% to the world milk production. it is estimated that the demand for milk will raise to to 156 million tons by 2020. Estimates by the Planning Commission of India indicate still higher demand increases that corresponds to 182 million tons by the year 2021–22. Although the estimates are quite promising, the live stock sector is constrained by lack of adequate resources that support health and well being of animals and it becomes quintessential to manage the resources properly and improve the productivity from live stock by all means.
RR Veterinary Health Care Private Limited provides a wide range of quality products for large animals and thereby helps in the management of nutritional deficiencies and other related shortcomings that prevail over a period of time and drastically deteriorate the productivity in live stock.